Fingerprint collage element, black and

Touch-ID like experience on Linux Mint

The fprint project aims to plug a gap in the Linux desktop: support for consumer fingerprint reader devices.Previously, Linux support for such devices has been scattered amongst different projects (many incomplete) and inconsistent in that application developers would have to implement support for each type of fingerprint reader separately. For more information on where we came from, see Project history.We’re trying to change that by providing a central system to support all the fingerprint readers we can get our hands on. The software is open source and in the long term we’re shooting for adoption by distributions, integration into common desktop environments, etc.

Photo by George PrentzasUnsplash


Install required packages

$ apt update
$ apt install fprintd libpam-fprintd


Edit the below listed pam.d configurations.

$ vim /etc/pam.d/{common-auth,lightdm,login,polkit-1,su,sudo}

And add the following line above every other auth section.

# Manually added <date>
auth sufficient

Enroll your fingers

You can either use the following to just add your right index finger:

$ fprintd-enroll

or both hands with all fingers

$ for finger in {left,right}-{thumb,{index,middle,ring,little}-finger}; do fprintd-enroll -f "$finger" "$USER"; done


You can check if your fingerprints are created if you find something below the following path:

$ ls -lsah /var/lib/fprint/


Open a new terminal/terminal window and type, if you see the following output you’re able to use fprintd anf fingerprints.

$ sudo -s
Place your right index finger on the fingerprint reader


Follow the logs to check if there are errors

$ journalctl -u fprintd -f


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By Jordy

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