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I recently configured HashiCorp’s Vault to integrate with our SSO provider, Keycloak, using OpenID Connect.


  1. Ensure you have a running and unsealed Vault instance.
    • Vault URL:
  2. Have administrative access or the ability to manage a Keycloak realm.
    • Keycloak URL:


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  • Go to your realm
  • Realm Settings > General
    Name =
  • Clients > create
    Client ID =
    Client Protocol = openid-connect
  • Clients >
    Client ID =
    Access Type = confidential
    Valid Redirect URIs =
  • Clients > > Credentials > Secret (I refer as OIDC-Client-Secret later)

Vault (cli)

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export VAULT_TOKEN=<your root or access token>

Enable OIDC as authentication mechanism

$ vault auth enable oidc

Write the OIDC Configuration

$ vault write auth/oidc/config \
oidc_discovery_url="" \
oidc_client_id="" \
oidc_client_secret="<OIDC-Client-Secret>" \

Create a policy file reader.hcl

path "/secret/*" {
    capabilities = ["read", "list"]

Import the policy to vault

$ cat reader.hcl | vault policy write reader -

Deploy a Role for OIDC

$ vault write auth/oidc/role/reader \
bound_audiences="" \
allowed_redirect_uris="" \
allowed_redirect_uris="" \
user_claim="sub" \

Login to Vault using OIDC and Keycloak

Go to Vault

A new window will be opened, where you’ve to type your credentials.

After putting in the correct credentials you’ve to wait a second till the window will be closed.

Now you should be able to use Vault according to the policy you’ve created earlier.


Custom CA for web certificates are in place

Error writing data to auth/oidc/config: Error making API request.URL: PUT
Code: 400. Errors:* error checking oidc discovery URL: error creating provider with given values: NewProvider: unable to create provider: Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

You’ve to add your certificate chain to the request, see step Write the OIDC Configuration


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By Jordy

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